High School

Program Philosophy
"What is our purpose?"
The CHS Wrestling program is committed to developing young people of high character and outstanding moral fiber through the pursuit of excellence in the sport of wrestling who will then be able to find success in any endeavor in life on or off the mat.
"How we fulfill our purpose?"
The CHS Wrestling program will provide our men and women with ample opportunities to improve their skills in the sport of wrestling. We will do this through off season programs and in season programs and summer camps. We will ensure our athletes have all of the essential facilities and equipment to be the best wrestlers possible.

Constant Learners
We will be Constant Learners, from day one as a freshman until we wrestle our last match. Learning areas will include, but are not limited to, technique, goal setting, study and training habits, personal growth and well being.

Moral Character is a must for the young men and women that go through this program. These characteristics will be clearly defined, modeled and stressed.

This program will put Service as one of its core values. Each year we will seek out community service projects. Our young men and women will be asked and encouraged to participate in these events.

Work Ethic
We will strive to build a strong Work Ethic in our men and women, allowing them to carry this forward in life.