Booster Club

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Purpose and Mission

  1. The Booster Club is organized pursuant to the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code exclusively for the purpose of providing financial and educational support and training facilities for Campbell High School students  and members of the Wrestling Club pursuing the sport of wrestling within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law.
  2. The Spartans Wrestling Club (aka “the Wrestling Club) is being established to serve as a junior feeder program for the Campbell High School wrestling program. It is the mission of the Wrestling Club to provide wrestling athletes and the coaching staff with training and developmental support, resourcing that assures competitive excellence, and an environment that fosters sportsmanship, teamwork, commitment, and integrity. The Wrestling Club will focus on teaching proper wrestling, strength, and conditioning techniques with an end goal of producing competitive athletes. The Wrestling Club will provide experiences that contribute positively to the personal, physical, and psychological development of all athletes, we teach important life skills by instilling work ethic, discipline, and character that our athletes will carry with them throughout their lives. At the 4th thru 8th grade levels, emphasis will be placed on recruitment of athletes, teaching technical skills, and team building. The goal of the Spartans Wrestling Club is to produce competition-ready athletes for the Campbell High School wrestling program when the athlete enters ninth grade.
  3. The Booster Club will provide the following support to the Campbell High School Wrestling program and the Wrestling Club:
    1. Provide wrestling equipment, services, and facilities that are not provided for by Campbell High School.
    2. Support the coaching staff to help produce teams of the highest competitive level. No member of the Club will have the authority to dictate policies normally within the coaches’ area of responsibility.
    3. Promote the pursuit of excellence in all athletic and scholastic endeavors.
    4. Promote parent/student involvement by coordinating all supporting activities of the Club.
    5. Encourage attendance at wrestling-related functions and community support of the wrestling program.
    6. Promote recognition for the wrestling program, its athletes, and coaches.
    7. Raise money through various activities to support the purposes of the Club.

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