Fundraising and Sponsorships

Fundraising and Sponsorships
The Campbell HS Spartans Wrestling Booster Club is responsible for raising funds to support the Campbell High School Wrestling program and the Spartans Wrestling Club youth program. The Booster Club is organized as 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation organized exclusively for the purpose of providing financial and educational support and training facilities for Campbell High School students and members of the Spartans Wrestling Club pursuing the sport of wrestling.
Sponsorship and Donations Support
- Referee expenses (home meets)
- Tournament entry fees
- Team transportation (buses)
- Team meals for athletes
- Training equipment
- Team Uniforms
- Additional Training Opportunities outside of normal practice
- Travel expenses for athletes who make the State Championship Tournament (HS)
- Travel expenses for athletes who make the National Championship Tournament (Club)
- Coaching Stipends
- USA Wrestling Memberships
- Technology Expenditures