
Spartan Wrestling Booster Membership Club

Spartan Supporter
Blue and Silver Club
Captains Club
Champions Circle
Ambassadors Club
Included Benefit(s)
- Pride of supporting 75+ student-athletes
- Federal tax deduction (to the extent allowed by law)
Included Benefit(s)
- Spartan Supporter benefits
- Recognition at Senior Night
- Spartans Wrestling Car Magnet
Included Benefit(s)
- Blue and Silver Club benefits
- Captains Club Branded Bag Tag
- Recognition at the end of season banquet
Included Benefit(s)
- Captains Club benefits
- Free admission for family of 4 (home events)
- Champions Circle Branded Bag Tag
- Seating at the Champions Circle table
Included Benefit(s)
- Champions Circle benefits
- Name on plaque in the Wrestling Room
- Spartan Ambassador Branded Bag Tag
- 2 Branded Stadium Chairs
- 5% Discount on Season Dues for named wrestler supported